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RMA reform and the NBA
What is the Resource Management Act (RMA) reform and the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA)? In February 2021, the Government announced it intended to replace the Resource Management Act with three new laws. These would be the: Natural and Built Environments Act...
WRPS Annual Report 2021
WRPS Annual Report 2020
WRPS Annual Report 2019
Auckland Council is giving the Waitakere Ranges a chance to recover from Kauri dieback
Thanks to the huge efforts by Te Kawerau ā Maki, the Waitakere Ranges Local Board, members of the Society, conservation networks, as well as many government agencies and the Environment and Community Committee of the Auckland Council, we are thrilled to report that by...
Waitakere Ranges Bibliography
Much has been written about the Waitakere Ranges over the years, but here is a selection of publications that you might find interesting.Some are now out of print, but many are still available in book shops and most can be borrowed from Auckland Libraries. If you know...
Myrtle Rust
Waitakere Ranges Protection Society president John Edgar said it's probably just a matter of time until Myrtle rust infects the native forest on Auckland's west coast. Myrtle rust has been discovered in a Kerikeri nursery. Myrtle rust is a plant pathogen which can...
New Zealand Dotterels
NZ dotterels need your help at North Piha Volunteers wanted A group of nationally vulnerable tuturiwhatu pukunui, or Northern New Zealand dotterels, nested at North Piha last summer. Auckland Council put measures in place to protect the nests and the chicks managed to...